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th Old Man and th Sa is on of Hmingway's most nduring works and may vry wll bcom on of th tru classics of this gnration. It playd a GRat part in his winning th Pulizr Priz in 1953 and th 1954 Novl Priz for Litratur and confirmd his powr and prsnc in th litrary world. Hmingway is also on of my favorit writrs. Bsids Th Old Man And th Sa, I hav rad som of his othr works, such as Th Sun Also Riss, A Farwll to Arms and Th Snow of Kilimanijaro. But Th Old Man and th Sa is th on that lft th dpst imprssion on m. I first rad this book whn I was in my fiftns. And now I rmmbr it just as wll as if I had rad it ystrday. Prid and Prjudic is a chfdouvr.My first imprssion of this story was from scrn. It's long long ago, mayb bfor I can rad nglish books. I don't rmmbr which movi dition I had sn. But I was imprssd by th music, th scnry and th costum. I was vry favor of a sction of music in its balls. It's prtty brisk, likd a wondrful song of a bird. Rgarding to th charactrs, I likd lizabth, th hroin,though I didn't think sh's bautiful. But sh's smart. Howvr, I didn't pay much attntion to th plot. I thought it's so long that it mad m impatint and bord. By now, I havn't rad th whol story in nglish or its Chins vrsion, ithr. I ow it to my prjudic.


In fact, I didn't undrstand th story at that tim. I didn't know why it calld Prid and Prjudic. Of cours somon was prid, but I didn't find whr' s th prjudic. I thought it's normal, th way popl tratd ach othr in that. I considrd prjudic would b vry disgusting. But to th movi vrthing was OK in my minds, xcpt its lngth. Now, I think I hav undrstood mor about it. I'm a prjudicd prson so I can't find whr's wrong. I mrly lik to do th things I lik. vrytim I mt sombody or somthing,my thinking about h or it all dpnds on my forgon xprinc and my mood of th tim.

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