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一个好人-Its Very Kind of Him

一个好人-Its Vry Kind of HimOn day I rod bik to school as usual. Suddnly, thr was somthing wrong with my bik. I trid my bst to mnd it,but I faild. I was vry worrid and didn't know what to do. Just thn an old man cam and hlpd m. A fw minuts latr, h mndd th bik wll. I was vry glad and thankful, "Thank you vry much." But th man wavd his hand and wnt away.

一个好人-Its Very Kind of Him


On my way to school thr was somthing wrong with my bik. What should I do? I would b lat for class. I chckd th bik again and again, but I didn't know what th mattr was. I was so worrid that I was wt all ovr. Just thn an old man cam up to m."What's th mattr, young man?" H said,"Lt m hlp you." I was glad that my bik was mndd a fw minuts latr.

I didn't rally know what I should say. I thankd him again and again, H said with a smil, "It is my plasur. W should hlp ach othr." Ys, w should hlp ach othr. Whn I s somon is in troubl, I will hlp him, too.



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