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一件意外事故-An Accident,一件意外事故-An Accident范文

一件意外事故-An Accidnt,一件意外事故-An Accidnt范文一件意外事故-An Accidnt英语 那天,在放学回家的路上,我看到一群人围在一起。我好奇地走上前一看,不由得大吃了一惊。原来有个老人被汽车撞倒了,司机逃跑了。那么多人都站在一旁,没有一个人想伸出援助之手。这时有个小伙子跑过去,抱起那个人,冲开人群就往医院跑。看到这一幕,其他人会不会羞愧得脸都红了呢? An Accidnt

一件意外事故-An Accident,一件意外事故-An Accident范文

On day I was on my way hom whil I saw a crowd gtting around. I wnt ovr curiously. I was vry much shockd at th sight. Thr lid an old man who smd to b knockd down by a car. Th drivr had got away. But th strangst thing to m was that so many popl wr just stood thr watching. No on wantd to hlp. Just at that tim, thr cam a young man. H quickly took th man in his arms and rushd towards th hospital. I was wondring whthr thos standrs-by, mayb including m, blushd with sham at this sight. 一件意外事故-An Accidnt英语

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