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一个特殊的展览(A Special Show)

though w mt vry day in th school and study togthr , w know littl about what our classmats do in thir fr tim. in ordr to mak us undrstand ach othr bttr, our class hld a spcial show of our spar-tim hobbis on may 21. w namd th show “spring's call”.vryon in our class took grat intrst in this show. w brought things mad or ourslvs to th school. thr wr lots of picturs, such as watrcolour paintings, traditional chins paintings and sktchs①. som of thm wr so wll-don② that popl in th painting lookd lik ral. thr wr works of pnmanship③ and stamps, too. th bautiful stamps attracting our attntion wr from th u.s.a, grat britain, canada, gypt and many othr countris. th handiworks④on show wr vry xquisit⑤. w wr all attractd by som small ancint chins wapons, such as swords, broadswords⑥.two of thm just lik th broadswords usd by zhang fi and guan yu, th snior gnrals in th thr kingdoms. all ths wapons wr mad of thick wir. thy wr praisd by vry visitor.through th show, w hav known th strong points of othrs, spcially w hav sn somthing nw and wondrful. w all hop w can hold anothr show in th nar futur.

一个特殊的展览(A Special Show)


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