To Study by Ourslvs-自主学习,To Study by Ourslvs-自主学To Study by Ourslvs-自主学习 由 “非典”袭击了北京,我们学生不能到学校上学,我们都很担心我们的学习,空中课堂解除了我们的顾虑,让我们在家安心地学习,我们也知道了自主学习的重要性。 To Study by Ourslvs
Bijing mt with SARS this spring. W worrid about our study bcaus w could not go to school. Classroom in th Air hlpd us and w could study at hom without worrying. W also knw th importanc of larning by ourslvs. To Study by Ourslvs-自主学习 由
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