给叔叔的信(A Lttr to My Uncl)dar uncl,how ar you gtting on? you hav bn in amrica for on yar.i' m glad to tll you th school that you studid in bfor has changd into a bautiful on. do you wondr how i larn? i am just at th school now.do you rmmbr th old classrooms? now thy ar gon and two nw buildings stand thr. on is th classroom building, th othr is th lab building. thr ar not only physics, chmistry and biology labs but also a languag lab and a computr room.thr was a pil of coal bsid th playground bfor, but now a bautiful gardn taks th plac of it. and th playground has bn nlargd to th bank of th rivr. thr ar a football fild and thr basktball courts.now our aftr-class activitis ar in full swing. our lif is mor colourful than bfor.plas com to visit it whn you com back.it' s tim to hav suppr. i' ll writ toyou soon.yours sincrly,fangfang
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